To create this magazine cover we initially sourced an image of a brick wall from the internet and placed it into a document.

Then by using the transform skew tool we manipulated the image so that it made the wall sit at a different angle. This was necessary due to Talia's positioning otherwise the image would have looked unnatural and fake. We then found an image of a tarmac floor, which we placed in the same document, underneath the wall layer. Then through using the magnetic lasso tool we selected Talia and dragged her over to the document with the wall and tarmac floor. We had to adjust the size of the image to make sure it fitted well in comparison with the sizing of the whole cover. By using the smudge tool we were able to neaten the edges around Talia, so it looked like the image was taken in these surroundings. We then began adding shadows, to make it look like she was on the floor. To do this we selected an area with the magnetic lasso tool then using a paint brush tool with a soft edge to it and minimum opacity we painted in undeneath her legs etc, the lasso tool made sure we didnt paint over talia herself.
We then enhanced the images brightness and contrast and colour balance. Using the magnetic lasso tool we selected her eyes and enhanced the colour of them to make them a bright blue that stood out more in the image.
We have used 'impact font' as it is quick and easy to read and is quite sylized and professional, but also reflects a younger audience. The stylized font style also reflects the image itself, which has been purposely styled to reflect the character and actress as one person. This reflects the feedback we recieved from our questionnaire as many people said that they prefer a simplistic but stylised font. Here is some examples of texts and colour themes we could have used. The bright colours contrast with the image and reflect the young age of the actress therefore supporting the idea of the magazine cover portraying both the actress and the character of the film. We decided to use Impact as we felt that it was easy to read. The colour of the text stands out and matches the colour of the top that Talia is wearing adding continuity.
We inserted the title and placed it behind her head to show that we are confident in the title of our magazine. This also shows that our title is not the selling point for the magazine, which is what we commonly saw in most film magazines that we analysed. The colour was taken from the shades of Talia's t shirt, which creates a simple and effective colour palette that also links back to the image. We ensured that the text which relates to the image was larger than any other text and that we made key words larger or in a colour that stands out more.
The colour theme is simple but effective and links the writing to the image well. The colour peach was taken from her lips and takes away from the severity and possible seriousness of the image, which softens the magazine cover and also links back to Talia as a girly actress. By not using a bold and bright colour palette, it makes the image of Talia stand out more, which is what we wanted to achieve, as it is such a striking image we didn't want anything to distract the audience from that.
We have included a tag-line that refers to the definition of the magazines title- montage. The tag-line is 'Mixing the hottest and Most Wanted'. This is reflective of the title, as it is the process of piecing together separate parts of the film to make a whole. This is why we have used the word 'mixing' to highlight the titles meaning in the film industry. 'The hottest and most wanted' make the magazine seem up to date and exciting.
The price for our magazine cover is £2.50. This is suitable for our target audience as they said they are willing to pay between the price of £2-£3 for a film magazine. This means that our target audience will be more likely to purchase this magazine, which increases our chances of high sales.
It is important that when creating our magazine cover we are able to connect a range of types of media together. This is seen in our website on the magazine cover. This enables us to communicate with society as we live in a media saturated world. It also enables us to target our audience as they stated they are interested in technology. This is important in creating a hype about the magazine as there are many forms of media that the consumers can use dependent on what is most suitable for them. It also provides an interaction between the business and the consumers, which is important in creating a good relationship and making customers loyal. We also wanted to create character profiles on facebook and myspace to create an accessible form of promotion for young adults as social networking is very popular at the moment. This is interactive and also helps to build a hype about the film.
At the bottom of the cover, we included bullet points about the content of the magazine to give people a brief overview. This ensures that people can instantly see if the magazine covers things that they are interested in and therefore will attract the right audience. We also included a barcode to make it look realistic and of a professional quality.
From our questionnaire results we ensured that our magazine cover was monthly, which we portrayed to the audience by displaying 'April 2010' above the barcode. We have also included a striking image to attract customers attention and stand out against its competition. Our magazines target audience is aged between 16 and 20, which means we can include reviews of films certified 18. As out target audience is interested in technology we have included this on our cover such as Adobe Elements Review. We have also featured up and coming artists, as our audience is more interested in individual production rather then the mainstream. We haven't included any freebies as our results showed that they would not be interested in this. he results also showed that our audience preferred the genre of horror, which is why we have used an image from a horror film and have also reviewed horror and action films, which was the second most popular genre.
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