Sunday 7 March 2010

Idea Development

After choosing our initial idea as design 2, we decided to develop it further and create alternative ways in which we could construct this poster. We used photoshop to create a realistic draft of each poster and changed certain aspects to see which one we thought would be the most successful.

In this draft we have changed the text of the tagline by placing 'hurt' underneath the rest of the text, which creates a greater impact. We have also placed the 'Coming Soon' in red, to emphasise the theme of violence and blood. This also creates layers of white and red, which helps to reflect the contrast of innocence and violence shown throughout our trailer. However, we felt that the placement of 'hurt' crowded the poster and took away the impact of the whole tagline.

In this draft we have kept the tagline the same size and haven't emphasised the word 'hurt'. This still gives a big impact, however, we felt that this didn't draw enough attention to the violence in the film. We also felt that by having all of the tagline on the same line, this created a bigger impact and didn't draw the attention away from the image.

In this draft we have kept all of the writing in white and kept the word 'hurt' in a bigger size. This is to emphasise the theme of violence, in which we think works well in anchoring the image of the hand. However we felt that the 'coming soon' appeared more striking in red, which is important in order for it to be identified as a film poster.

In this draft we have placed the word 'hurt' underneath the rest of the tagline, to draw an emphasis on the theme of violence. However as we previously mentioned we felt that overall it took away the impact of the tagline as you had to look at to many sections to read the whole sentence. All of the writing is in red, which we used to emphasise the blood and theme of violence in the poster. However we feel that it doesn't make the tagline stand out, as there is too much red on the poster.

In this draft we have changed the placement of the word 'hurt' and moved it underneath the rest of the tagline to draw emphasis on the theme of violence and struggle. However, we felt that it took away the impact of the tagline, as your eyes were attracted to too many places, which meant you didn't absorb the information. We kept the tagline in white as we felt that it stood out from the rest of the background and reflect the innocence in the film as well.

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