Here are a selection of our images that we took on our photoshoot. To create the blood on the hand we used fake blood, and black eye shadow to emphasise the shadows to make the image more striking. We experimented with flash on and off to see the differnt effects it created. We also experimented with lighting with in the room to see how this effected the image. We decided that the most effective was when we turned the light off in the room and left the flash on as it lit the hand up and made everything around the hand dark and emphasised the shadows. We experimented with differnt postioning of the hand and using another hand to hold the hand to see if it created a scarier image. We decided that the 'coming soon' wasnt effective and planned to get rid of it once we began to edit them on photoshop.
We decided that this image was the most effective as the positioning of the hand looks as if its coming to wards you. It fill the majority of the shot and is centered therefore making it eye catching. The area around the hand is dark and therefore means that it will be easier to edit. The lighting has worked as the flash has reflected on some of the writing making it stand out and the shadows will be easily enhanced. We plan on enhancing the brightness and contrast to make it more shocking, and we would like to remove the 'coming soon' writing as we feel that it is not effective.
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