Wednesday 24 March 2010

Our Questionnaire to discover audiences artistic prefernces and buying habits in relation to magazine front covers

Buying Habits Questionnaire

1. How often do you buy a film magazine?

Once a month Every 2 weeks Weekly

2. What attracts you to a film magazine?

Interesting Topics

Attractive front cover

Someone famous of the front cover

Latest gossip

Factual information

3. How much would you be willing to pay for a magazine?

Less than £1





4. How old are you?

10-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 30+

5. Is your occupation film related?

Yes No

6. Is visiting the cinema and watching the latest films one of your hobbies?

Yes No

7. Does the technical process of creating films attract you to a magazine?

Yes No

8. Would you like a magazine to feature up and coming films?

Yes No

9. Would you be interested in free offers, ‘Freebies’ or discount voucher in the magazine?

Yes No

Artistic Appeal:

1. What is your favourite genre of films?

Horror Action ROM-COM Comedy SCI-FI

2. Would you prefer to be presented with a high budget blockbuster or a low budget independent film on the front cover?

Blockbuster Independent film

3. Would you be interested in a magazine that reviewed film latest technology?

Yes No

4. Does the image on the front cover play an important roll in your decision of buying a magazine?

Yes No

5. Would you prefer an image of people or objects?

People Objects

6. What style typography would attract you to a magazine?




Easy to read



7. Would you prefer and eye catching magazine front cover or professional front cover?

Eye catching Professional

8. Would information would you like to see inside a music magazine?

Reviews of the latest technology

Reviews of latest films

Interviews with famous actors

Interviews with up and coming actors

9. Would you be interested in bright colourful magazine covers?

Yes No

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