Here is the Questionnaire regarding the completed teaser trailer:
1. Are you?
a. Male
b. Female
2. How old are you?
a. 12-14
b. 15-17
c. 18-20
d. 21+
3. What genre do you feel that the trailer you have viewed portrays?
a. Comedy
b. Horror
c. Sci-fi
d. Rom-com
4. In what ways do you feel that this trailer portrays this genre?
5. Do you feel that this teaser trailer is an appropriate and effective length?
a. Yes
b. No
6. Do you feel that the pace of the trailer was effective?
a. Yes
b. No
7. Would you go and see this film?
a. Yes
b. No
8. Do you feel that our plot reflects a realistic storyline?
a. Yes
b. No
9. Do you feel compassion for the female in the trailer?
a. Yes
b. No
10. Did you enjoy the trailer?
a. Yes
b. No
c. There was room for improvement (if so please state below)
11. Do you feel that the trailer made sense?
a. Yes
b. No
12. Could you suggest any improvements for this trailer?
Here are our results:
These results show us who are feedback was from. From these results you can see that 46% were male and 54% were female. This shows us that we have an evenly mixed gender audience, which means we have appealed to both sexes and will recieve more realistic results as we are not disincluding a certain type from our audience.
These results also help to show how effective our trailer was to our audience. This refers to the pace we have created in order to build tension. 86% of people asked thought that the pace was effective, which shows that the pace we created attracted audienced which will encourage them to watch the film.
These results show how effective the trailer was in encouraging people to watch the actual film as a form of promotion. This shows that 90% of people would go and watch the film, which shows our trailer was effective in appealing to our target audience and encouragnig them to watch the actual film.
These results show that 84% of people felt compassion for our female protagonist. This is important as we are using a heorine and in order for this to be successful we need the audience to relate to her and feel that how she acts is the right way.
These results show that 78% of our audinece felt that our trailer made sense. This is important for our audience to go and see the trailer, as they need an understanding of what the film is. Our trailer uses narrative enigma in order to commuicate our distressing storyline, this is important as in order for people to understand the message they need it to be presented in an equally distressing way, which is evident in Fisher's theory.
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